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                                                          (last update 15.08.2022)        Click on pictures for better images !!

            SMALL PHOTO


#1  Euro 8

#2  Euro 8

#3  Euro 8


Euro 85
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The

(James Stewart, John Wayne, dir. John Ford), 46x67 cm

Euro 75
Reap the Wild Wind

(John Wayne ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 65
Rio Lobo

(John Wayne ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 25

(John Wayne ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 95
Cowboy, The

(John Wayne, dir. Mark Rydell), 46x67 cm

Euro 45
Red River

(John Wayne), 46x67 cm;

Euro 35
How the West was Won
(John Wayne, dir. John Ford ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 50
Train Robbers, The

(John Wayne, Ann Margret, dir. Burt Kennedy ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 145
Circus World, 

(John Wayne, C.Cardinale, Rita Hayworth), 46x67cm

Euro 35
Big Trail, The

(John Wayne, Claire Trevor),36x50cm;

Euro 35
Big Trail , The

(John Wayne, Claire Trevor),47x67 cm;

Euro 35
Four Sons of Katie Elder , The

(John Wayne, Dean Martin, dir. Henry Hathaway), 36x47 cm

Euro 20
Sons of Katie Elder, The, playbill

(John Wayne, Dean Martin, dir. Henry Hathaway), 46x67 cm

Euro 40
Rio Bravo

(John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricki Nelson, dir. Howard Hawks ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 45

(John Wayne, dir. Andrew V. Mc Laglen ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 35

(John Wayne, dir. Douglas Hickox ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 75
True Grit (OSCAR)

(John Wayne, G.Campbell, K.Derby, dir. Henry Hathaway ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 15
El Dorado

(John Wayne, dir. Howard Hawks), 36x47 cm

Euro 85

(John Wayne, dir. John Ford), 46x67 cm

Euro 55

(John Wayne, dir. John Sturges ), 46x67 cm;

Euro 35
True Grit (II)

(John Wayne, Glen Campbell, Kim Darby, dir.Henry Harhaway), size 36x47 cm

Euro 20
Rooster Cogburn

(John Wayne, Katharine Hepburn, dir. Stuart Miller), 46x67 cm;

Euro 135
Quiet Man, The / Omul linistit

(John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, dir. John Ford), 46x67cm;

Euro 20
Big Jake, playbill

(John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, dir. Georges Sherman), 46x67 cm

Euro 35
Red River

(John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, dir. Howard Hawks), 36x47 cm

Euro 135
El Dorado

(John Wayne, Robert Mitchum), 70x100 cm

Euro 60
El Dorado (II)

(John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, dir. Howard Hawks), size 36x47 cm

Euro 35
Wild West, The

(John Wayne, Steve McQueen, Rita Hayworth, Joan Crawford, Clint Eastwood, C.Bronson, dir.Gilbert Joachim)size 46x67 cm

Euro 35
North to Alaska playbill

(John Wayne, Steward Granger, dir. Henry Hathaway), 46x67 cm

Euro 15
Show’s Hour, The

(Mae West, John Wayne, C.Chaplin, etc..),70x50cm;

Euro 30
Seven Sinners

(Marlene Dietrich, John Wayne), 46x67 cm;

Euro 45
Seven Sinners

(Marlene Dietrich, John Wayne, directed Tay Garnet), 36x47 cm

Euro 50
Longest Day, The

(Richard Burton, John Wayne, Bourvil, Henry Fonda, dir. Ken Annakin), size 46x67 cm


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(last update 07.05.2019)

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