(LAST UPDATE 18.07.20)

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#1-Euro 20 -SOLD
Romanian postcard

#2-Euro 15 SOLD
Romanian postcard

#3-Euro 15 SOLD

#4-Euro 10
Romanian postcard 1960 y.

#5-Euro 20
Errol Flynn & Olivia de Havilland.
Old Romanian postcard.

#6-Euro 10
French postcard "Editions P.I.", CP298.

#7-Euro 10
French postcard "Editions DELTA.", CP224

#8-Euro 25 SOLD
Old postcard "Agfa".

#9-Euro 20-SOLD
Old postcard "Agfa".

#10-Euro 20
Old Romanian photo card.

#11-Euro 20-SOLD
Old postcard "Warner Bros" nr.1046

#12-Euro 10
Old English Athena postcard

#13-Euro 10
Vintage Romanian photo size 9x12 cm

#14-Euro 8
Vintage Romanian photo size 6x9 cm

#15-Euro 14
Errol Flynn & Olivia de Havilland.
Vintage Ross movie card size 5x7 cm


The Aventures of Robin Hood,

(Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, Olivia de Havilland,dir. Michael Kurtiz), 46x67 cm;
Euro 45
The Sea Hawk,

(Errol Flynn, dir. Michael Curtiz ), 46x67 cm;
Euro 45
The Sea Hawk,

(Errol Flynn, dir. Michael Curtiz ), size 36x47 cm;
 Euro 35
Gentleman Jim

(Errol Flynn, dir. Raoul Walsh), 46x67cm;
Euro 45
The Adventures of Don Juan,
(Errol Flynn, Viveca Lindford, dir. Vincent Sherman), 36x47 cm;
 Euro 30
The Adventures of Don Juan,

(Errol Flynn, Viveca Lindford, dir. Vincent Sherman), 46x67 cm;
Euro 45

My items under auctions on eBay.

Click on the auctions names below  to proceed to the auction listings.

Click here for all Romanian collectibles: posters, postcards, magazines, photos, coins, etc.
If there is anything specific you're looking for, please don't hesitate
to e-mail me. If you do not find your want items, write me and I shall try to find them.
You can use the function "Search" [CTRL+F] to find a title or a star.
 If you do not find a title, or can not see a picture send me a message.

Send me your want list at the address:

or send a letter to:

Ioan Baicu
str.G.Cosbuc, nr.33, Bl.B5, apt.17, Tiglina 2
800350 GALATI

For one or more items we can discuss about a discount !